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How to Improve the Quality of your Internet for your Home Office?

Slow Internet Home Office

Organizations across the globe are rapidly adopting new technologies to meet the customer demands in an increasing market competition. It is necessary for their survival to keep pace with emerging trends in the market. Fluctuating customer demands, introduction of new trends in the market, and advancements in technological sphere always cause big hypes in the market. Due to which whole of market trends start shifting towards it. Traditional network architectures often become outdated in these scenarios to fulfill the market standards required for customer satisfaction. It becomes very difficult for those companies to survive who do not go for digital transformation and upgradation of network architecture. High competition among their counterparts soon rules them out of the market.

On the other hand, establishment of work from home setups have also posed serious challenges and raised concerns over productivity of the businesses. Home offices of the companies are not same in many ways as those of corporate offices. It raises serious questions whether the home environment and resources are capable enough to maintain both productivity and efficiency. Major concerns involve connectivity and communication which is vital for effective performance of the home-based offices. That is why quality of Internet becomes the tool of serious concern for the companies to improve their performance while setting up work from home and establishing home offices.

Here comes SD–WAN to the rescue. There is no wonder in the fact why SD–WAN is being increasingly embraced by businesses of all sizes. To keep pace with increased market competition, enterprises are rapidly adopting digital transformation from traditional WAN towards Software Defined WAN due to its high-end benefits and increased performance even on poor internet connectivity.


Performance Benefits of SD–WAN to Ensure High-Quality of Connectivity


In comparison to traditional WAN, Software Defined WAN delivers enhanced performance from twin circuits. In case of traditional WAN networks, one circuit is used actively while another one is employed as a backup circuit. This passive circuit is used when main circuit fails. But in case of SD–WAN, it uses both circuits actively for those applications requiring more than one circuit operations which increases overall bandwidth and enhances performance of the network. It uses real-time application routing to improve application performance. Using path conditioning, it makes internet of poor-quality act like MPLS. It eventually improves performance of unstable links. It can also improve performance of MPLS without any Class of Service. By measuring the best root and allowing the breakout of local internet, SD–WAN enhances Cloud Application performance. It also applies suitable security and routing for proper recognition of the applications for enhanced performance. SD–WAN allows application like Microsoft Office 365 to easily administer and be secured by using DNS instead of IP address. It also improves performance of IaaS and SaaS using virtual devices.

SD–WAN provides increased visibility to lag sensitive and bandwidth intensive applications like Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Unified Communications. These types of applications are running over WAN supported technologies those are not sophisticated enough to support them. SD–WAN prioritize voice packets. Flexibility of hybrid deployment of SD–WAN with MPLS makes it possible to rapidly traverse traffic between public internet connections and MPLS. In this way, SD–WAN provides a seamless internet experience to home based offices.

When we come to counteract with different types of applications requiring different service levels, it becomes necessary to effectively balance the load. Some applications are latency sensitive, and some might work well without network straining. SD–WAN provides flexible solution in such cases by enabling different pathways for different applications depending upon their individual requirement. This ensures reliable transfer of data through prevention of congestion caused by traffic diversion to alternate channels which causes data loss, drop or blockage.

Through SD–WAN’s Forward Error Correction (FEC) of packet levels, negative impact of packet loss can be sorted out. In such a solution, extra parity packets are transmitted along with data packets. At the receiving end, these parity packets are reconstituted to recover any lost data packet and hence eliminates the negative impact of throughput-limiting. In case, even if data packets are not loss, but received out of order at the receiving end, throughput also gets reduced due to retransmission of out of order packets from transmitting device. SD–WAN solution can also sort out this problem by eliminating this phenomenon through its dynamic Packet Order Correction (POC) resulting in maintenance of throughput and overall network performance for home offices.

Digital Carbon Cloud Voice Design
SD-WAN Enhancing Voice Calls from the Home Office

SD–WAN also provides affordable flexibility that has not been offered by previous solutions in the form of traditional WAN meant carriers and MPLS. Those traditional solutions also do not have ability to expand and are reluctant to change specially in the case of organizations having branch offices spread over the globe with sophisticated IT ecosystem.  But SD–WAN enables businesses to get connected to any type of available connection and allows sites to turn up as quickly as possible. It rapidly deploys hardware profile and network characteristics through automated configuration process. New sites can remotely be added to WAN through online data entry, and some clicks of buttons by accelerating the network performance.

SD–WAN streamlines implementation and can decrease costs. It provides efficiency to enterprise and cloud application over hybrid and internet WAN. Any company using SD–WAN, no matters use MPLS or not, can leverage wired broadband internet or wireless broadband internet, as it provides hybrid WAN solution with higher efficiency and reliability. It offers flexibility even for challenging applications such as voice and video to ensure optimal performance of the system. It also eliminates data center backhaul penalization to ensure uninterrupted path to both private enterprise cloud and public enterprise cloud ensuring better performance parameters for home-based offices.

SD–WAN can enable you to develop a global WAN which is based on policies of the business. It develops global WAN for better security, high performance of applications, and compliance. It enables dynamic path selection to utilize the best performing links and networks. It leverages broadband internet over expensive Multi-Protocol Label Switching (MPLS). It offers multiple key features including zero touch provisioning in deployment, capability to enhance visibility into the performance of the network and applications, business-oriented compliance policies with adopted and integrated SaaS and cloud-based applications increasing high-end connectivity or home offices.


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Anywhere Office is a remote workspace solution for employees and business owners to work from any location with assured application performance and AI Analytical Support.

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